Anastasia Zavershinskaya

Support Manager

Provides customer support, enhances network communication strategies, looks for new ways to improve product usability


As a Support Manager at AADS, Anastasia is a vital force behind ensuring exceptional customer support and driving customer success. With a keen interest in technology and marketing, Anastasia seamlessly combines her passion for both fields to deliver outstanding service and enhance the overall user experience.

Anastasia's primary responsibility lies in providing top-notch customer support. She goes above and beyond to address inquiries, solve issues, and ensure prompt and satisfactory resolutions.

Anastasia's commitment to excellence extends to constantly seeking new ways to improve product usability. She stays current with the latest industry trends and actively explores innovative approaches to enhance user experience and satisfaction. By identifying areas for improvement and collaborating with cross-functional teams, Anastasia plays a key role in shaping the product roadmap and ensuring continuous enhancement of AADS's offerings.

Articles: 9

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