Danil Persky

Head of Customer Support

Describes all the details of working with the product for customers


Polytechnical University




As the Head of Customer Support, Danil is a visionary leader committed to providing exceptional service and building lasting customer relationships. With a strong focus on customer satisfaction, Daniil oversees a dedicated team to ensure the highest support standards are delivered. With years of experience in the field, Danil understands customer needs and can effectively address inquiries, resolve issues, and provide timely solutions. Danil is highly interested in innovative strategies, optimizing processes, and utilizing advanced tools and technologies to enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of the support team.

Danil knows how to deliver the best service for the customers. His commitment to customer advocacy ensures that the voice of the customer is heard throughout the organization. In addition to managing day-to-day operations, Danil actively collaborates with cross-functional teams to gather customer feedback and insights, driving product and service enhancements.

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