
How do you get paid as a publisher?

Updated: 4 October 2018

Olga Ostrovskaya

Olga Ostrovskaya

Data Analyst

How do you get paid as a publisher?

Factors that affect publishers' revenue

We use every chance to reach out to our publishers and keep them informed about their earning prospects. Here is a comprehensive overview of what you can expect as a publisher.

Our pricing model is built around the ratio between supply and demand for traffic. No fixed CPM or CPC - actual traffic cost is a given fact which is hard to influence or accurately predict.

Ad unit earnings are affected by many factors, including the following:

Number of unique impressions

Please, mind that we've got an alternative way of counting unique impressions. We count as unique globally unique impressions which means that a single IP address will be counted as unique only once every 24 hours when the visitor encounters any of our banners on any of our publishers’ websites. It isn't counted as unique again during this interval no matter how many banners the visitor subsequently sees and what websites he visits. So, our numbers of unique impressions will be much lower than those reported by other networks or tracking tools for the same traffic.

Number of unique clicks

Unique clicks certainly affect your earnings but not that much - it just allows our system to differentiate between bona fide publishers who actually attract valid traffic and between those who believe they can cheat our system by "showing" our ads to bots. Clicks in which our system seems suspicious (e. g. originating from another domain or VPN) won't be counted as unique. Advertisers may reward you for any clicks generated by your website but it is not a common practice.

Advertising campaigns which target your ad unit

Here comes the impact of language, geolocation, ad unit dimensions, categories defined for the website.
Remember: our daily budget varies greatly from day to day as advertising campaigns come and go. We cannot promise or predict that your ad unit will match the category, language, banner sizes, budget, etc. of currently running ads.

Content filters defined for the ad unit

The ad unit owner might forbid any of the following advertising categories: NSFW, Risky, Gambling, Investments, and also s/he might choose to show only text advertisements. A number of our advertisers match these categories or they choose to show graphical banners only thus excluding part of ad units from their targeting.

Ad unit display rate

Our bot checks whether the ad unit is present at the specified URL and is accessible. It does so several times a day. If the bot can access the ad unit only once every two attempts, then the display rate is 50%.

Size and location of an ad unit on a website page

If the ad unit can be clearly seen and located on the page properly and falls into a popular size category it’s more likely to collect more impressions and clicks and earn more.

Quality of traffic

This is simple. We don't accept bot-generated traffic and we welcome good and honest publishers!

Olga Ostrovskaya

Data Analyst

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