
How To Make Money Blogging in 2024: The Ultimate Guide for Beginners

Updated: 1 December 2023

Anna Trifonova

Product Marketing Manager

Blogging has become a popular way for people to express themselves online, connect with others, and even earn money. Whether you’re passionate about a particular topic or have expertise in a specific field, blogging provides a platform to share your thoughts, ideas, and experiences with the world.

But how much money can you actually make as a blogger? The answer is that it varies, but there are definitely opportunities to start a blog and make money if you approach blogging with the right mindset and strategies. In this article, we will show you how to create a blog for free, make money, and develop your creativity. 

What Is Blogging?

Blogging is creating and sharing content online through a blog platform like WordPress or Blogger. Bloggers write about various topics, from food and travel to business and technology, and share their thoughts, ideas, and experiences with their audience. Blogs can feature written articles, photos, videos, and other types of content that reflect the blogger’s interests and expertise.

Is it too Late to Start a Blog in 2023?

If you think that it is too late to start a blog, we can tell you that this is quite a common misconception. The blogging industry continues to grow, and there is still room for new bloggers to establish themselves. The online community widely supports bloggers who provide interesting and well-written content. 

While some niches may be more saturated than others, there are still countless untapped niche opportunities. You only need to find a unique angle, target a specific audience, or focus on a specific topic, and you can carve out your own space in the blogosphere.

How Much Money Can You Make Blogging

There is no one-size-fits-all answer to this question, as the amount of money you can make blogging depends on various factors, including your niche, audience size, and revenue generation strategies. Some bloggers earn just a few hundred dollars monthly, while others earn full-time income from their blogs.

One common revenue stream for bloggers is advertising revenue. Through ads, bloggers earn money based on the number of clicks, views, or impressions their ads receive. Affiliate marketing is also popular, where bloggers earn a commission for promoting other people’s products or services. Also, bloggers can generate income through sponsorships, products, or paid services.

How To Start a Blog To Make Money

Starting a blog can be the perfect way to monetize your skills and knowledge. With the right strategy in place, it’s possible to turn your blog into a profitable business. 

Here are some tips on how to start a successful blog that makes money: 

1. Choose A Profitable Niche 

Before setting up your website or writing content for it, decide which niche will be most profitable for you and focus on that topic exclusively throughout your blog posts. This will help ensure that people who visit are interested in what they see, so they’re more likely to stay longer and purchase something from one of the links posted within each post.  

2. Choose A Blogging Platform 

Several different platforms are available, such as WordPress, Blogger, Wix, etc., but choose wisely based on their features, like SEO optimization tools, hosting capabilities, etc.  

3. Choose A Domain Name 

Your domain name should reflect what type of product/service/information is being provided on this site or at least represent its general theme (e.g., “The Crypto Investor”). It should also be easy to remember yet professional sounding enough not to scare away potential visitors.

4. Create High-Quality Content 

Once everything has been set up properly, then comes the time to create high-quality content related to topics chosen earlier as well as other relevant ones, which may draw readers' attention even further towards page views & conversions rate later downline once traffic starts building up over course few months after launch date due hard work put behind creating great contents regularly every weekday if possible. 

5. Optimize Your Blog For Search Engines

Search engine optimization (SEO) is important for blogging for several reasons. So make sure all title tag descriptions used throughout the site include keywords associated with those particular pages in order to improve chances of showing higher rankings in search engine results pages SERPs when someone searches terms related to those words and phrases entered in the query box.  

6. Pay Attention To Design

 The design of any website is essential because it helps give users better experiences when visiting sites online; therefore, pay close attention to details here, ensuring colors match the brand logo images, look crisp, clear fonts, legible sizes appropriate various devices used, access these days (desktop laptop tablet mobile phone) without having strain eyes read text off-screen too small uncomfortable viewing.   

7. Set Up Hosting Service 

After choosing the platform & domain name, the next step would be to set up a hosting service that allows the website to go live online. Usually, services such as WordPress provide great deals for new bloggers wanting to start their site from scratch without needing to worry about technical details, setting up a server, etc.   

8. Start Writing Regularly 

Before anything else, you must consistently create quality content that people want to read or watch. This means writing regularly about topics related to your niche – whether it’s cryptocurrency trading strategies or travel advice – so readers have something new each time they visit your site. Additionally, consider using visuals like images and videos to break up text-heavy posts, which can keep visitors engaged longer while also helping with SEO optimization efforts.

9. Improve your Writing Skills 

Improving your writing and digital marketing skills is crucial for achieving success in blogging. You should continuously learn, and staying updated with industry trends and best practices will help you stay ahead in the competitive blogging landscape.

10. Track Metrics 

Tracking metrics such as page views per post/page, bounce rate (the percentage of visitors who leave after visiting only one page), average time spent on site, social media followers/shares, etc., will give you insight into what type of content works best for your audience so that future posts are even more successful at driving traffic & conversions.

11. Promote Your Blog & Build A Reputation

Once your blog is live, use various tactics like guest blogging (on other sites), email marketing campaigns targeting potential customers directly with offers relevant specifically to them, social media ads, etc., to get the word out there about what great things readers can expect from reading through all its pages. Doing this helps build trust between both parties, making it easier for people to decide if they should purchase any products/services offered by the blogger.  

12. Use Ad Networks 

Ad networks provide a platform for displaying ads on your blog and earning revenue. By joining an ad network, such as AADS, you can place ads on your blog and get paid based on clicks, impressions, or conversions. It can be a source of income to support your blogging efforts. Plus, ad networks connect you with a wide range of advertisers who are looking to promote their products or services. These advertisers may be relevant to your blog's niche, allowing you to display targeted ads that resonate with your audience.

Remember about finding the right balance between monetization and user experience. Too many ads or intrusive ad placements can negatively impact your blog's usability and reader engagement. 

Overall, starting a successful blog and earning blogging income takes hard work, but when done right, it has massive potential rewards! To learn more about blogging, you can also find online courses on various aspects of blogging, such as content creation, SEO optimization, social media marketing, monetization strategies, and more.

Importance of Design in Starting a Blog

When starting a blog, design is an important factor to consider. It’s not only about making your website look attractive and professional; it’s also about creating an engaging user experience that will keep readers coming back for more. Good design can help you stand out, attract new visitors, and build trust with existing ones. 

For marketing specialists, having a well-designed blog can be essential in helping them reach their goals of increasing brand awareness and driving conversions. A good design should make it easy for users to navigate the site while providing visual cues that draw attention to key content such as product information or promotions. Additionally, strategically placed calls-to-action on each page should encourage users to take action when they visit your site – whether signing up for email updates or purchasing products/services directly from you. 

For crypto businesses looking to get started with blogging, investing in strong visuals is especially important since cryptocurrency has become increasingly popular over recent years due to its high security and privacy features, often highlighted through creative imagery on websites/blogs associated with this industry sector. This helps create positive associations between potential customers who may have been unfamiliar with cryptocurrencies prior but now feel encouraged by how easily accessible these services appear after seeing visually appealing designs explicitly related to this topic area.  

Bloggers & publishers must ensure their sites are designed using clear typography, appropriate color schemes & intuitive navigation so as not to allow any confusion among readers when trying to access different sections within their blogs - keeping everything organized will enable viewers to find what they need quickly without feeling overwhelmed by too much clutter all at once! Plus, if regular content is being published, ensuring each post appears clearly arranged makes sure visitors don't miss out on any valuable insights shared across multiple pages.    

Finally, advertisers benefit greatly from utilizing good web designs since ads tend to perform better when positioned correctly throughout websites - eye-catching banners typically result from higher click-through rates than those blended into backgrounds where chances of getting noticed are significantly lower! So, taking time to think carefully about where the best place adverts guarantees maximum visibility whilst maintaining the overall aesthetic integrity of the entire website.  

Overall, designing effective yet aesthetically pleasing blogs is a critical success online presence nowadays regardless of the type of business involved -- marketers, crypto companies, bloggers, publishers, and advertisers alike all benefit from having great layouts that encourage people to explore further, thus helping increase revenues in the long run. 

How To Make Money Blogging

A common question before starting any writing is how much money you can make from a blog. Making money blogging is a great way to monetize your website and create an additional source of income. Whether you’re a marketing specialist, crypto business, blogger, publisher, or advertiser, there are several ways to make money from blogging. 

How To Make Money Blogging

Advertising revenue

One of the most popular ways bloggers earn an income is through advertising revenue – either by working with third-party companies that place ads on their sites or using Google AdSense directly on their own site. Ads can be placed in various locations throughout the page, including sidebars and headers, as well as within the content itself (in-text ads). The amount earned per ad depends largely upon traffic levels, so you must focus on driving more visitors if you want higher earnings from this method. 


Display ads can be a source of income for bloggers. By displaying ads on your blog, you can monetize a blog through clicks or impressions. This can provide you with a passive income stream that helps support your blogging efforts.

Affiliate marketing 

Affiliate marketing involves promoting another company's product in exchange for a commission when someone purchases through one of your links (affiliates). This type of arrangement works best when done subtly; if readers feel like they're being sold something instead, they may be less likely to click through any affiliate links, reducing potential earnings significantly! 

To maximize success here, it helps if there's already some sort of relationship between yourself & the company whose product you're promoting - such as having used them before and recommending them highly based on personal experience rather than simply because 'it pays.' 


 Approach brands in your niche, offer to partner with them on a sponsored post or content collaborations and charge a fee for your services. Sponsorships can also help bloggers build valuable contacts and expand their network. Working with brands and establishing professional relationships can open doors to future opportunities and collaborations.

Sell Digital or Physical Products or Services 

 If creating unique products appeals more than just writing about other peoples' offerings, then why not consider setting up shop? There are many platforms out there now allowing anyone with enough dedication and drive to set themselves apart by selling digital downloads such as ebooks, courses, music, etc., while still keeping full control over the pricing structure.

Freelancing or Consulting

Freelancing or consulting can be a great way to make money blogging. Establishing yourself as an expert in your blog's niche can open doors for freelancing or consulting opportunities, where you offer your services, for example, freelance writing, to clients or businesses. Google Analytics can provide you with detailed information about who your blog's audience is, including demographics, interests, location, and behavior. So you can know your potential customers better. 

Bloggers who have established themselves as experts in their niche can offer consulting services to individuals or businesses. Consulting involves providing clients advice, strategy, and guidance based on the blogger's expertise. This can include services like content strategy, social media marketing, SEO optimization, or any other area where the blogger has specialized knowledge.

Freelancing can also lead to networking opportunities. By working with clients, you can establish professional relationships that may open doors to new collaborations, partnerships, or even job opportunities in the future. 

Membership or Subscription Models

You can create premium content or offer exclusive benefits to your readers through a membership or subscription model. Readers can pay a recurring fee to access the premium content on your blog. By offering exclusive content, resources, or benefits to subscribers, you can charge a recurring fee and earn money on an ongoing basis. This can help create stability and financial security.

Membership or subscription models often include access to a community of like-minded individuals. You can make it through a private forum, group, or social media platform. By fostering a sense of community, you can create a valuable and engaging environment for your subscribers, increasing retention and attracting new members.

Offering paid subscriptions could be another option worth considering for those who have built up loyal readership over time but don't necessarily want ads cluttering their pages. Content behind these subscription walls can range from exclusive access to only available members, even further into individual posts/articles, etc., depending on what level people sign at. It also means that all content remains yours alone without being shared elsewhere online, thus potentially reducing overall reach but increasing overall profits. 

Best Blogging Platforms To Make Money

It is important to choose the right blogging platform for your needs in your blog niche. With so many different platforms available today, knowing which one will best suit you and help you make money with a blog can be difficult. Below we will look at some of the best blogging platforms ideal for making money online. 


WordPress is by far one of the most popular and widely used blogging platforms out there today. It has an easy-to-use interface with plenty of features that allow users to customize their wordpress blogs as they see fit – from changing themes and layouts to adding plugins for extra functionality like e-commerce stores or contact forms, etc. All these features help to make money blogging for beginners. WordPress also offers a variety of monetization options, such as Google AdSense integration and affiliate programs, allowing bloggers to earn income from their content directly onsite without having any third parties involved in transactions (which helps keep costs low). 

Plus, you can use a WordPress plugin, which is a piece of software that extends the functionality of a WordPress website. It can add new features or enhance existing ones without requiring any coding knowledge. Plugins are like apps for your WordPress site, allowing you to customize and expand its capabilities.


Next option is Wix which is a user-friendly platform that allows you to create a visually appealing blog. It offers built-in features for monetization, including ad placements, ad space and e-commerce integrations.


Squarespace is known for its sleek and professional designs, making it a great choice for bloggers looking for a visually stunning blog. It also offers tools for monetization, including ad placements, ad spaces and e-commerce functionality.


Medium is another extremely popular choice amongst experienced bloggers due to its slick design layout, which makes reading articles much easier on the eyes compared to traditional website formats - plus, readers don't even need to register, create an account, and view content either, so the traffic potential here is huge, too!

The medium allows writers to get paid via a ‘membership donations’ system where willing subscribers pay a monthly fee to gain exclusive access to premium articles written by authors who have chosen to enable this feature; however, since the setup process is a bit complicated, not suitable for everyone, but those who do take advantage could potentially reap the rewards over long term depending how successful end product turns out to be.


Weebly is a beginner-friendly platform that offers drag-and-drop functionality for easy website creation. It has built-in options for monetization, such as ad placements and integrated e-commerce features.


(formerly known as Blogspot) is another great option for creating blogs quickly and easily with no coding knowledge required whatsoever – perfect if you just want something simple yet effective! This platform offers integrated Google AdSense support, meaning bloggers can earn revenue almost immediately after setting up their accounts. There’s also access to other monetization tools like Amazon Associates program links, etc., giving more ways than ever to generate income from your blog posts! 


Finally, Tumblr provides users an interesting twist on conventional style websites: instead of focusing solely on based content, images, and videos become an integral part of user experience here, too, thanks to its unique 'tumblelog' format - perfect if looking to add a visual flair project while still retaining the ability to make money via affiliate links same time.

If we need to choose only one platform, we will choose WordPress, considered the best blogging platform for several reasons. 

Firstly, it offers a wide range of high-quality themes that can be easily customized to give your blog a unique look and feel. Plus, it is the best blogging platform to make money.

Secondly, WordPress blog provides an extensive range of plugins that enhance the functionality of your blog, allowing you to add features and improve user experience.

WordPress is also known for its user-friendly interface, making it easy for anyone without technical knowledge to design and edit their website. 

Furthermore, WordPress has good search engine visibility, helping your blog gain organic traffic. It is also monetization-friendly, allowing you to easily monetize your blog through ads and affiliate links.

Lastly, WordPress provides strong social media support and advanced analytics tools to help you understand and engage with your audience better.

How Long Does It Take To Make Money Blogging

It typically takes several months to start earning money from blogging. The exact timeline can vary depending on the niche, content quality and consistency, audience engagement level, and monetization methods. Building a loyal readership and driving traffic to the blog takes time and effort. Once the blog has gained traction, monetization can begin through display advertising, sponsored content, affiliate marketing, selling digital products or services, and offering memberships or subscriptions. Notably, significant income from blogging often requires consistent effort and a long-term commitment.

The timeline for making $1,000 monthly blogging can vary depending on niche, content quality, audience engagement, and chosen monetization methods. Building a loyal readership and driving traffic takes time and effort. Consistent effort and long-term commitment are often required to make a significant income from blogging. However, with dedication and the right strategies, it is possible to reach a monthly income of $1,000 or more from blogging.

Some successful bloggers have reported starting to earn around $500-$2,000 per month within their first year of blogging. Others have mentioned that it took them around two years of building traffic and subscribers before they started making upwards of $100,000 annually.

Remember that the time it takes to start earning money from a blog can vary greatly depending on blog niche selection, content quality, marketing strategies, audience size, and monetization methods employed.

how do beginner bloggers make money

Blogging is not for You? Common Misconceptions about Blogging and Blogs

Blogging has become an increasingly popular way to communicate with readers and build a following. But, despite its growing popularity, there are still many misconceptions about blogging that can lead people astray. In this blog post, we’ll explore some of the most common misconceptions about blogging and blogs. 

Myth 1. Blogging is Time-Consuming 

One of the biggest myths is that it takes too much time to create a successful blog or write quality content for one. While it may take more effort than other forms of communication like social media posts or email newsletters in order to produce high-quality content on a regular basis, creating compelling content doesn't have to be overly time-consuming if you plan ahead and use tools such as scheduling software or editorial calendars effectively. 

Myth 2. All Blogs Make Money

Another misconception is that all bloggers make money from their blogs; however, this isn’t always true! Many bloggers don’t monetize their sites at all - either because they don’t want to invest the necessary resources into doing so (time/money) or because they simply enjoy writing without any financial incentive involved. If you do decide you would like your blog to generate income, then there are various methods available, such as affiliate marketing programs through which companies pay commission when customers purchase products via links on your site, sponsored posts where businesses pay for product placements within articles, or selling digital products, etc.

Myth 3. You Need to be an Experienced Writer to Start Blogging 

A third myth is that only experienced writers should start blogs – while experience certainly helps improve writing skills over time, anyone can benefit from having an online presence regardless of whether they consider themselves ‘writers ' or not. Additionally, even those who lack confidence in their own writing abilities can learn how to structure effective pieces by researching tips online. 

Myth 4. Blogging is a Solo Endeavor

Many people assume that blogging is a solitary activity. However, successful bloggers often collaborate with others, such as guest bloggers, industry experts, or influencers. Building connections and engaging with the blogging community can enhance the reach and impact of a blog.

Myth 5. Blogs are Only Personal Diaries

Some people perceive blogs as personal diaries or online journals. While personal blogs exist, blogs cover a wide range of topics and serve various purposes. Blogs can be educational, informative, entertaining, or focused on specific niches. They can provide valuable content and insights to readers.

Myth 6. You Need Business Registration

Lastly, another common misconception about blogging relates back again to making money; specifically, once someone starts earning revenue through their blogging activities, they must register as a business. This isn't true, and the fact remains that the majority of bloggers do not register their blogs as businesses at all but rather simply run them for personal purposes. 

It's worth noting, though, that if you start making more than $600 per year from your blog, then it would be advisable to consult with an accountant about potential tax implications in the country where you live.

So, recognize these misconceptions and get rid of them! Building a successful blog requires dedication, continuous learning, and adapting to the evolving digital landscape.

Make Money Blogging

Blogging is a great way to share your knowledge, experiences, and opinions with an audience. With the right strategy in place, it can also be a lucrative source of income. 

Whether you’re a marketing specialist, crypto business owner, or publisher – remember some of the important tips on how to make money blogging: 

  1. Start by finding your niche. Identify what topics interest you most and focus on those when creating content for your blog. This will help draw readers who have similar interests as well as attract potential advertisers that are relevant to them.
  2. Establish yourself as an expert. Building trust with readers is essential when monetizing blogs; people need assurance that they can rely on the information provided before investing their time (and potentially money) into reading it further or taking action based on it. To do this effectively, emphasize why someone should listen/trust what advice/information is offered by providing evidence such as credentials, etc.  
  3. Use Affiliate marketing. Affiliate marketing allows bloggers to earn commission from sales generated through links shared within posts or other forms of promotion. It's important, however, to ensure any affiliate products align with blog content so that the reader gets value and no risk associated with misleading advertising practices. 
  4. Produce valuable and engaging content. Focus on providing solutions, insights, or entertainment that keeps readers returning for more.

Remember, making money from blogging takes time, effort, and consistency. It's important to focus on providing value to your audience and finding the monetization strategies that align with your niche and target audience.


What is blogging, and how to make money from it?

Blogging is regularly creating and publishing content on a website called a blog. It provides a platform for individuals or businesses to share their knowledge, experiences, thoughts, and opinions with an online audience. Blogs can cover various topics, such as personal development, travel, fashion, finance, technology, etc.

To make money from blogging, there are several strategies you can consider: advertising, affiliate marketing, sponsored posts, advertising digital and physical products, freelancing, and consulting. 

Is blogging a good way to make money?

Blogging can be a good way to make money. Still, it depends on various factors, such as your content quality, niche, audience, and monetization strategies you implement. Some bloggers have been able to generate substantial income from their blogs, earning anywhere from a few hundred dollars per month to six-figure incomes].

It's important to note that making money from blogging often requires significant time, effort, and consistency. Building a successful blog takes time and dedication to create valuable content, attract and grow an audience, and implement effective monetization methods. It may take time to see significant financial results, especially in the beginning stages.

How much do bloggers earn?

Bloggers' earnings vary greatly depending on niche, content quality, audience engagement, and chosen monetization methods. According to a study by ProBlogger, the average income of bloggers can range from a few hundred dollars per month to several thousand dollars. However, it typically takes several months to start making money from blogging, as building an audience and establishing a reputation takes time. Dedication and the right strategies make it possible to reach a monthly income of $1,000 or more from blogging. The timeline for achieving this milestone varies for each individual.

How to start a blog for free and make money?

Creating a profitable blog without spending money is possible but requires careful planning and strategic execution. Consider the following steps:

  • Select a niche that has the potential to generate income. Consider topics that have a large audience and offer monetization opportunities.
  • Utilize free blogging platforms like, Blogger, or Wix to host your blog. 
  • Focus on creating valuable and engaging content for your audience. 
  • Promote your blog to increase visibility and attract readers. Utilize social media platforms, participate in online communities, and engage with other bloggers in your niche. 

The most popular blogging platforms vary depending on user preferences, features, and ease of use. However, nearly all ratings show that WordPress, Blogger, Wix, and Squarespace are the most popular platforms. 

Which blog monetization strategies are the best?

The best blog monetization strategies can vary depending on your niche, audience, and goals. However, the most popular are displaying advertising and affiliate marketing. Another monetization strategy is collaborating with brands and writing sponsored posts or reviews in exchange for payment. It's important to note that the effectiveness of these strategies can vary depending on your blog's niche, audience size, and engagement. Experimenting with different monetization methods and finding the right mix that works for your blog is key. Additionally, building a strong and engaged audience is crucial for successful monetization.

Why are blogs important for business?

Blogs play a crucial role in the success of businesses. They offer several benefits and opportunities for organizations to connect with their target audience, establish thought leadership, and drive traffic to their websites. Plus: 

  • Blogs can significantly increase website traffic by making it easier for customers to find businesses through search engines.
  • They provide a platform for businesses to showcase their expertise and knowledge in their respective industries.
  • Blogs can attract attention from industry bloggers, influencers, reporters, and journalists.
  • Blogs allow businesses to engage with customers by providing valuable content, tips, how-tos, and insights.

Anna Trifonova

Product Marketing Manager

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