
We've updated the list of supported banners. How will it affect our users?

Updated: 18 April 2020

Olga Ostrovskaya

Data Analyst

Today we have updated the list of supported banner ad sizes because outdated banners showed insufficient performance. From now on the accepted banner sizes are: 120x60, 120x600, 125x125, 160x600, 200x200, 240x400, 250x250, 300x250, 300x600, 320x50, 320x100, 336x280, 468x60, 728x90, 970x90, 970x250. Individual banners must weigh less than 700 kilobytes.

The following ad banner sizes are no longer supported: 120x90, 120x240, 160x90, 180x90, 180x150, 200x90, 234x60, 468x15, 728x15, 990x90.

The deprecated ad banner sizes cannot be used to create new ad units and cannot be attached to campaigns. However, these banners will continue to work for existing campaigns and ad units.

As a publisher, if you still have ad units using the deprecated sizes, we advise adjusting them for the actual sizes, as the number of ad campaigns using the old banner formats will soon decrease and ultimately turn to zero. New campaigns that show banners only cannot use the deprecated sizes, and as a result, incompatible ad units will see their earnings dwindle. Make sure that you update ad units' HTML code on your website.

The following new banner ad sizes have been added: 300x600, 320x100, 970x90, 970x250.

Effective immediately these new banner ad sizes are available for our advertisers and publishers.

Olga Ostrovskaya

Data Analyst