
Cloudflare IP Whitelisting

Updated: 8 January 2021

Micheal George

Analytics & Marketing Manager

If you are experiencing the “Cloudflare prevents our bot from accessing your site” error as seen in the image below.

Cloudflare prevents our bot from accessing your site

It means that for some security reason Cloudflare is preventing our bots from accessing your site.

In order to eliminate this error, follow these steps below.

  1. Login to your Cloudflare account.
  2. Select the specified domain.
  3. Navigate to Security >> WAF >> Tools as seen in the image below.

Cloudflare IP access rules

  1. Under “IP Access Rules”, add the IP addresses that you received from AADS support team.

Note : If you don’t have any of our bots IP’s, please contact our support.

  1. Click “Check embedded HTML code” in your ad unit’s dashboard as seen in the image below.

Check embedded HTML code

  1. Wait a few minutes, reload the ad unit dashboard, the results should be like below.

Cloudflare whitelisting successful

  1. All done.

Micheal George

Analytics & Marketing Manager