How to Change and Confirm a Withdrawal Address

Olga Ostrovskaya
Olga OstrovskayaData Analyst
Updated: 07 March 2021
How to Change and Confirm a Withdrawal Address

To start, visit the “Withdrawal Options” page, this can be found by navigating to “Finances >> Withdrawal options”, it should look like the image below:

Change withdrawal address

  1. Select your “withdrawal type”.

Note: You can withdraw directly to a BTC address, or use FaucetPay; The withdrawals to FaucetPay are instant, but those to direct BTC addresses are processed only once a day.

  1. Input either

    • A valid “Withdrawal address”, or

    • An existing FaucetPay address

  2. When withdrawing directly to a BTC address, the minimum “Withdrawal threshold” is 0.001 BTC.

  3. Enter your password or access code.

Note: If you don’t have any means of authentication, probably because you used a social media account upon registration, please use the email connected to your social account on AADS password reset form.

  1. Click “Update withdrawal settings”, then click “OK” in the confirmation message:

Are you sure?

  1. You’ll see an event:

Withdrawal address sucessfully updated

  1. Check the mailbox connected to your account, you should find an email from AADS with contents like this:

withdrawal address change email confirmation

Make sure to check all your folders, including “Spam” if you don’t find our email in your inbox. Alternatively, you can search e-mails by AADS.

  1. Please, click the button, “Click to confirm”. At the destination page, you should see an event like in the image below:

Withdrawal address sucessfully confirmed

Note: If your withdrawal changes we will freeze all subsequent withdrawals until you confirm the new address via email. If it were not you who changed the address, then you would have a better chance to prevent the loss of your funds.

After confirmation, withdrawals will be suspended for three days, as a regular measure to protect your funds.

With this, you have successfully changed and confirmed your withdrawal address.

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