
Understanding Our Customer Base: Insights from AADS Network Statistics

Updated: 12 September 2023

Olga Ostrovskaya

Olga Ostrovskaya

Data Analyst

 Understanding Our Customer Base: Insights from AADS Network Statistics

To understand our Publishers better, we've delved into our statistics, unearthing some intriguing revelations. Let's take a closer look at our advertising network as an illustrative example.

Geographic Reach

📍When it comes to geographical distribution, we've discerned some significant patterns. Audiences from various countries are more likely to visit our publishers' sites. Thus, India takes the lead, accounting for a substantial 15.4% of our valued clients. The United States closely follows at 14.4%, with France securing a notable 5%. The remainder comprises a diverse spectrum of countries contributing to our vibrant community.

Ad Sizes Preferred by Publishers

📍A clear picture emerges as we delve into the realm of ad dimensions. Our Publishers' most favorite ad size is the 300x250 ad banner, with a majority share of 56%. Behind is the 728x90 format, which captures the preferences of nearly 20%. In a surprising twist, the less popular 200x200 size garners a modest 0.3% following.

Language Preferences by Publishers’ Audience 

📍Delving into the linguistic choices of the Publisher’s audience, our insights are both revealing and expected. An overwhelming 60% of the Publisher’s audience opt for English as their preferred ad language. Notably, Spanish claims the runner-up spot, with 7% of users aligning with this linguistic choice. The audience is also enriched by customers who speak Chinese, Portuguese, and German.

Our Publishers' Websites Categories 

📍Categorization is another facet that offers intriguing insights. Let's check the categories of sites our publishers' websites belong to. The entertainment category emerges as the unequivocal favorite, with an impressive 28.9% of advertisers selecting it as the canvas for their promotions. Following closely are the premium categories, comprising 23% of the choices. Adults-only sites carve out a respectable niche, claiming 10.7% of the total types. In our eclectic mix, online earning platforms and crypto-centric websites also shine as popular categories. Meanwhile, Goods and Services command a modest 1.7% share of the advertiser's canvas.

We believe these insights not only let us improve our services but also show the colorful mix of preferences that make our network strong.

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Olga Ostrovskaya

Data Analyst

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