
What are advertisement ratings?

Updated: 24 September 2019

Olga Ostrovskaya

Olga Ostrovskaya

Data Analyst

What are advertisement ratings?

Advertising campaigns need to be approved by AADS moderators to get started. Ads which involve sensitive content will receive appropriate ratings.

"NSFW" rating is for any adult content, including nudes, erotics, porn, obscene language, etc. Sometimes an adult ad won't be rated as NSFW if it is not too hot while clearly explaining what it promotes.

"Gambling" rating is for casinos, lotteries, games of chance, etc. Sometimes Forex, binary options, and other financial services may also be rated as "Gambling" if they look more like a casino than a legit investment vehicle.

"Investments" rating is for all kinds of financial services and offers which suggest spending money to receive profits in the future. Here come all the crypto investments, ICOs, stocks, loans, etc. Please avoid promising too much in your ads, because if it doesn't look feasible, the ad may receive a “Risky” rating as well.

"Risky" rating is for suspicious or potentially illegal services. All offers considered "too good to be true" (e. g. high payments for easy work or impossibly high returns) will also fall into this category. Most of the legit publishers don't allow "Risky" ads, so please carefully word your ads to avoid this rating.

Prohibited ads

Moderators will reject any proved scam, illegal and malicious ads, including (but not limited to) advertising of:

  • drugs (alcohol, tobacco, cannabis too);
  • guns;
  • child porn;
  • racism or hate speech;
  • accounts stealing, identity theft, or other forms of black hacking.

If you want to promote a hacking service, please articulate your ad the way it sounds legal.

Warning for scammers: if we suspect you in malicious advertising attempt, we may decide to ban your ad without a refund.

Impact of ad ratings

Publishers decide what kinds of ads are allowed on their sites.

Since most of our advertisers come from the crypto-industry, publishers typically allow "Gambling" and "Investments" ads.

There is less inventory available for "NSFW" ads.

Ads rated as "Risky" usually have worse performance because legit publishers with quality sites tend to avoid them.

To get a better estimation of the available traffic, please set the correct ad ratings in the campaign creation interface. If you believe that your ad is rated inappropriately, please stop your campaign and contact our helpdesk.

Olga Ostrovskaya

Data Analyst

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