CPA-A-ads-Thai-2-landing spin-273eq4p1p


Start date

End date


Date Impressions Clicks CTR Spendings BTC Spendings USD CPM


2025-01-22 - 2025-02-22
31667452 8280 0.03% 0.02757466 ₿ $2,733.08 $0.09
2025-01-22 662452 170 0.03% 0.00086181 ₿ $89.53 $0.14
2025-01-23 714690 203 0.03% 0.00085217 ₿ $88.79 $0.12
2025-01-24 766505 185 0.02% 0.00085667 ₿ $89.70 $0.12
2025-01-25 869608 201 0.02% 0.00084878 ₿ $89.01 $0.10
2025-01-26 890453 267 0.03% 0.00086826 ₿ $89.34 $0.10
2025-01-27 718269 167 0.02% 0.00085515 ₿ $87.03 $0.12
2025-01-28 762910 210 0.03% 0.00085313 ₿ $86.26 $0.11
2025-01-29 712383 187 0.03% 0.00086237 ₿ $89.57 $0.13
2025-01-30 705002 162 0.02% 0.00085323 ₿ $89.59 $0.13
2025-01-31 681524 162 0.02% 0.00085451 ₿ $87.38 $0.13
2025-02-01 795135 179 0.02% 0.00086056 ₿ $86.74 $0.11
2025-02-02 788697 195 0.02% 0.00085549 ₿ $83.35 $0.11
2025-02-03 663109 158 0.02% 0.00085470 ₿ $86.85 $0.13
2025-02-04 624744 166 0.03% 0.00086402 ₿ $84.48 $0.13
2025-02-05 618044 194 0.03% 0.00085335 ₿ $82.39 $0.13
2025-02-06 629162 178 0.03% 0.00086320 ₿ $83.18 $0.13
2025-02-07 620653 157 0.03% 0.00085649 ₿ $82.62 $0.13
2025-02-08 1228105 352 0.03% 0.00087475 ₿ $84.57 $0.07
2025-02-09 1399720 433 0.03% 0.00086514 ₿ $83.38 $0.06
2025-02-10 1179959 269 0.02% 0.00086838 ₿ $84.53 $0.07
2025-02-11 1223788 290 0.02% 0.00086553 ₿ $82.95 $0.07
2025-02-12 1415956 352 0.02% 0.00086357 ₿ $84.37 $0.06
2025-02-13 1135185 311 0.03% 0.00087219 ₿ $84.24 $0.07
2025-02-14 1145294 324 0.03% 0.00086614 ₿ $84.39 $0.07
2025-02-15 1592753 410 0.03% 0.00087067 ₿ $84.95 $0.05
2025-02-16 1524539 379 0.02% 0.00086545 ₿ $83.25 $0.05
2025-02-17 1203800 283 0.02% 0.00086597 ₿ $82.94 $0.07
2025-02-18 1219337 321 0.03% 0.00087357 ₿ $83.29 $0.07
2025-02-19 1220906 323 0.03% 0.00086439 ₿ $83.57 $0.07
2025-02-20 1147654 280 0.02% 0.00086388 ₿ $85.00 $0.07
2025-02-21 1234801 375 0.03% 0.00087166 ₿ $83.76 $0.07
2025-02-22 1572315 437 0.03% 0.00084948 ₿ $82.08 $0.05

What is guImpressions
guImpressions stands for globally unique impressions. How we calculate them is explained in the post.

What is guClicks
guClicks stands for globally unique clicks. How we calculate them is explained in the post.