Aads-Indonesian-CPD- 5nsqxwn4


Start date

End date


Date Impressions Clicks CTR Spendings BTC Spendings USD CPM


2025-01-23 - 2025-02-23
110208126 41500 0.04% 0.06272946 ₿ $6,201.16 $0.06
2025-01-23 2487637 756 0.03% 0.00191018 ₿ $199.03 $0.08
2025-01-24 2798196 853 0.03% 0.00188556 ₿ $197.44 $0.07
2025-01-25 3081934 970 0.03% 0.00188903 ₿ $198.11 $0.06
2025-01-26 3191544 1050 0.03% 0.00189052 ₿ $194.52 $0.06
2025-01-27 3325392 1130 0.03% 0.00198763 ₿ $202.30 $0.06
2025-01-28 3239422 1092 0.03% 0.00192394 ₿ $194.52 $0.06
2025-01-29 3153428 1049 0.03% 0.00193470 ₿ $200.96 $0.06
2025-01-30 2797558 903 0.03% 0.00189827 ₿ $199.31 $0.07
2025-01-31 2668263 952 0.04% 0.00190069 ₿ $194.36 $0.07
2025-02-01 3032402 1038 0.03% 0.00193653 ₿ $195.19 $0.06
2025-02-02 3092303 1167 0.04% 0.00198003 ₿ $192.91 $0.06
2025-02-03 2772172 912 0.03% 0.00203191 ₿ $206.46 $0.07
2025-02-04 2819856 966 0.03% 0.00200235 ₿ $195.78 $0.07
2025-02-05 2875189 1063 0.04% 0.00200592 ₿ $193.67 $0.07
2025-02-06 2946150 1118 0.04% 0.00203799 ₿ $196.39 $0.07
2025-02-07 3060680 1205 0.04% 0.00203327 ₿ $196.15 $0.06
2025-02-08 4080927 1461 0.04% 0.00208230 ₿ $201.31 $0.05
2025-02-09 4577009 1992 0.04% 0.00205954 ₿ $198.49 $0.04
2025-02-10 4161606 1798 0.04% 0.00204881 ₿ $199.43 $0.05
2025-02-11 4163576 1658 0.04% 0.00204633 ₿ $196.11 $0.05
2025-02-12 4230862 1616 0.04% 0.00206068 ₿ $201.32 $0.05
2025-02-13 3878281 1566 0.04% 0.00208147 ₿ $201.03 $0.05
2025-02-14 4145659 1704 0.04% 0.00204518 ₿ $199.27 $0.05
2025-02-15 4499468 1760 0.04% 0.00204731 ₿ $199.76 $0.04
2025-02-16 4840977 1924 0.04% 0.00204490 ₿ $196.71 $0.04
2025-02-17 4250782 1711 0.04% 0.00207033 ₿ $198.29 $0.05
2025-02-18 4193309 1663 0.04% 0.00208511 ₿ $198.80 $0.05
2025-02-19 4059246 1624 0.04% 0.00209596 ₿ $202.63 $0.05
2025-02-20 3552319 1371 0.04% 0.00202963 ₿ $199.70 $0.06
2025-02-21 3548824 1437 0.04% 0.00204696 ₿ $196.70 $0.06
2025-02-22 3594587 1550 0.04% 0.00206006 ₿ $199.01 $0.06
2025-02-23 1088568 441 0.04% 0.00057637 ₿ $55.50 $0.05

What is guImpressions
guImpressions stands for globally unique impressions. How we calculate them is explained in the post.

What is guClicks
guClicks stands for globally unique clicks. How we calculate them is explained in the post.