CPA-A-ads-German-landing spin-273ml5yl8


Start date

End date


Date Impressions Clicks CTR Spendings BTC Spendings USD CPM


2025-01-23 - 2025-02-23
14988389 4506 0.03% 0.01464048 ₿ $1,448.47 $0.10
2025-01-23 500128 134 0.03% 0.00046183 ₿ $48.12 $0.10
2025-01-24 483701 142 0.03% 0.00046586 ₿ $48.78 $0.10
2025-01-25 542988 159 0.03% 0.00046719 ₿ $49.00 $0.09
2025-01-26 656507 179 0.03% 0.00046173 ₿ $47.51 $0.07
2025-01-27 523794 181 0.03% 0.00046423 ₿ $47.25 $0.09
2025-01-28 527910 166 0.03% 0.00046185 ₿ $46.70 $0.09
2025-01-29 501398 129 0.03% 0.00046809 ₿ $48.62 $0.10
2025-01-30 501194 135 0.03% 0.00046358 ₿ $48.67 $0.10
2025-01-31 543601 169 0.03% 0.00046575 ₿ $47.63 $0.09
2025-02-01 531034 175 0.03% 0.00046669 ₿ $47.04 $0.09
2025-02-02 592250 177 0.03% 0.00045895 ₿ $44.71 $0.08
2025-02-03 533454 177 0.03% 0.00046333 ₿ $47.08 $0.09
2025-02-04 495155 158 0.03% 0.00046556 ₿ $45.52 $0.09
2025-02-05 454400 143 0.03% 0.00046179 ₿ $44.59 $0.10
2025-02-06 377074 135 0.04% 0.00046854 ₿ $45.15 $0.12
2025-02-07 403270 114 0.03% 0.00046224 ₿ $44.59 $0.11
2025-02-08 561257 125 0.02% 0.00047603 ₿ $46.02 $0.08
2025-02-09 632338 191 0.03% 0.00047183 ₿ $45.47 $0.07
2025-02-10 531869 164 0.03% 0.00047328 ₿ $46.07 $0.09
2025-02-11 518591 161 0.03% 0.00047110 ₿ $45.15 $0.09
2025-02-12 399678 124 0.03% 0.00047009 ₿ $45.93 $0.12
2025-02-13 368609 119 0.03% 0.00047550 ₿ $45.92 $0.12
2025-02-14 363685 120 0.03% 0.00047201 ₿ $45.99 $0.13
2025-02-15 405720 121 0.03% 0.00047382 ₿ $46.23 $0.11
2025-02-16 466115 121 0.03% 0.00047190 ₿ $45.40 $0.10
2025-02-17 412240 127 0.03% 0.00047168 ₿ $45.18 $0.11
2025-02-18 403214 97 0.02% 0.00047604 ₿ $45.39 $0.11
2025-02-19 384629 119 0.03% 0.00047040 ₿ $45.48 $0.12
2025-02-20 406396 135 0.03% 0.00047066 ₿ $46.31 $0.11
2025-02-21 422659 131 0.03% 0.00047555 ₿ $45.70 $0.11
2025-02-22 476678 156 0.03% 0.00047207 ₿ $45.60 $0.10
2025-02-23 66853 22 0.03% 0.00012131 ₿ $11.67 $0.17

What is guImpressions
guImpressions stands for globally unique impressions. How we calculate them is explained in the post.

What is guClicks
guClicks stands for globally unique clicks. How we calculate them is explained in the post.