

Start date

End date


Date Impressions Clicks CTR Spendings BTC Spendings USD CPM


2025-01-23 - 2025-02-23
285842749 95183 0.03% 0.05422300 ₿ $5,365.04 $0.02
2025-01-23 11038658 3407 0.03% 0.00172068 ₿ $179.28 $0.02
2025-01-24 10294524 3558 0.03% 0.00172781 ₿ $180.92 $0.02
2025-01-25 10280070 3815 0.04% 0.00172193 ₿ $180.58 $0.02
2025-01-26 10382725 3594 0.03% 0.00172554 ₿ $177.55 $0.02
2025-01-27 10214592 3255 0.03% 0.00173911 ₿ $177.00 $0.02
2025-01-28 9425796 2732 0.03% 0.00171632 ₿ $173.53 $0.02
2025-01-29 9618567 2543 0.03% 0.00172599 ₿ $179.28 $0.02
2025-01-30 9337734 2594 0.03% 0.00174132 ₿ $182.83 $0.02
2025-01-31 9105805 2363 0.03% 0.00172928 ₿ $176.83 $0.02
2025-02-01 9006078 2377 0.03% 0.00172839 ₿ $174.21 $0.02
2025-02-02 9482499 3360 0.04% 0.00171966 ₿ $167.54 $0.02
2025-02-03 9579502 3107 0.03% 0.00172182 ₿ $174.95 $0.02
2025-02-04 9224518 3016 0.03% 0.00174208 ₿ $170.33 $0.02
2025-02-05 9049941 3226 0.04% 0.00171305 ₿ $165.39 $0.02
2025-02-06 8687501 3097 0.04% 0.00173698 ₿ $167.38 $0.02
2025-02-07 8858247 3029 0.03% 0.00173004 ₿ $166.89 $0.02
2025-02-08 8810983 3127 0.04% 0.00175432 ₿ $169.60 $0.02
2025-02-09 8815144 3283 0.04% 0.00173763 ₿ $167.47 $0.02
2025-02-10 9102790 3061 0.03% 0.00174024 ₿ $169.40 $0.02
2025-02-11 9074799 3002 0.03% 0.00173760 ₿ $166.52 $0.02
2025-02-12 9099667 2917 0.03% 0.00173179 ₿ $169.19 $0.02
2025-02-13 8637713 2927 0.03% 0.00175179 ₿ $169.19 $0.02
2025-02-14 8209306 2785 0.03% 0.00173602 ₿ $169.14 $0.02
2025-02-15 8189699 2973 0.04% 0.00174633 ₿ $170.40 $0.02
2025-02-16 8768927 3161 0.04% 0.00173558 ₿ $166.96 $0.02
2025-02-17 8983453 3055 0.03% 0.00173675 ₿ $166.34 $0.02
2025-02-18 8782432 2972 0.03% 0.00173673 ₿ $165.59 $0.02
2025-02-19 8632019 3056 0.04% 0.00175495 ₿ $169.67 $0.02
2025-02-20 8381555 3146 0.04% 0.00172737 ₿ $169.96 $0.02
2025-02-21 8230087 2821 0.03% 0.00175018 ₿ $168.19 $0.02
2025-02-22 8005730 2894 0.04% 0.00173801 ₿ $167.90 $0.02
2025-02-23 2531688 930 0.04% 0.00046771 ₿ $45.03 $0.02

What is guImpressions
guImpressions stands for globally unique impressions. How we calculate them is explained in the post.

What is guClicks
guClicks stands for globally unique clicks. How we calculate them is explained in the post.