

Start date

End date


Date Impressions Clicks CTR Spendings BTC Spendings USD CPM


2025-01-23 - 2025-02-23
20038181 6079 0.03% 0.02181585 ₿ $2,145.76 $0.11
2025-01-23 536364 138 0.03% 0.00050787 ₿ $52.92 $0.10
2025-01-24 523669 147 0.03% 0.00051209 ₿ $53.62 $0.10
2025-01-25 609413 160 0.03% 0.00051512 ₿ $54.02 $0.09
2025-01-26 694096 224 0.03% 0.00051513 ₿ $53.00 $0.08
2025-01-27 566484 169 0.03% 0.00050911 ₿ $51.82 $0.09
2025-01-28 586262 174 0.03% 0.00051042 ₿ $51.61 $0.09
2025-01-29 582385 160 0.03% 0.00051624 ₿ $53.62 $0.09
2025-01-30 589348 146 0.02% 0.00051398 ₿ $53.97 $0.09
2025-01-31 539262 165 0.03% 0.00050776 ₿ $51.92 $0.10
2025-02-01 569389 190 0.03% 0.00050871 ₿ $51.28 $0.09
2025-02-02 669869 189 0.03% 0.00050856 ₿ $49.55 $0.07
2025-02-03 577918 170 0.03% 0.00051049 ₿ $51.87 $0.09
2025-02-04 521369 202 0.04% 0.00051682 ₿ $50.53 $0.10
2025-02-05 481462 146 0.03% 0.00050523 ₿ $48.78 $0.10
2025-02-06 408134 142 0.03% 0.00051296 ₿ $49.43 $0.12
2025-02-07 431856 124 0.03% 0.00051274 ₿ $49.46 $0.11
2025-02-08 605176 157 0.03% 0.00052367 ₿ $50.63 $0.08
2025-02-09 694113 210 0.03% 0.00051817 ₿ $49.94 $0.07
2025-02-10 577162 205 0.04% 0.00051987 ₿ $50.60 $0.09
2025-02-11 571923 165 0.03% 0.00051897 ₿ $49.74 $0.09
2025-02-12 721759 200 0.03% 0.00085362 ₿ $83.39 $0.12
2025-02-13 758203 226 0.03% 0.00104306 ₿ $100.74 $0.13
2025-02-14 746970 218 0.03% 0.00103469 ₿ $100.81 $0.14
2025-02-15 842005 269 0.03% 0.00104009 ₿ $101.49 $0.12
2025-02-16 992405 323 0.03% 0.00103497 ₿ $99.56 $0.10
2025-02-17 838728 275 0.03% 0.00103471 ₿ $99.10 $0.12
2025-02-18 844395 208 0.02% 0.00103384 ₿ $98.57 $0.12
2025-02-19 793416 246 0.03% 0.00104561 ₿ $101.09 $0.13
2025-02-20 748876 270 0.04% 0.00103009 ₿ $101.35 $0.14
2025-02-21 662522 206 0.03% 0.00104253 ₿ $100.18 $0.15
2025-02-22 641905 206 0.03% 0.00103576 ₿ $100.06 $0.16
2025-02-23 111343 49 0.04% 0.00032297 ₿ $31.11 $0.28

What is guImpressions
guImpressions stands for globally unique impressions. How we calculate them is explained in the post.

What is guClicks
guClicks stands for globally unique clicks. How we calculate them is explained in the post.