

Start date

End date


Date Impressions Clicks CTR Spendings BTC Spendings USD CPM


2025-01-23 - 2025-02-23
695590 1236 0.18% 0.04416534 ₿ $4,370.94 $6.28
2025-01-23 21759 42 0.19% 0.00141338 ₿ $147.26 $6.77
2025-01-24 18860 50 0.27% 0.00141883 ₿ $148.57 $7.88
2025-01-25 26302 27 0.10% 0.00143015 ₿ $149.98 $5.70
2025-01-26 25331 55 0.22% 0.00141963 ₿ $146.07 $5.77
2025-01-27 21612 54 0.25% 0.00141521 ₿ $144.04 $6.66
2025-01-28 17940 48 0.27% 0.00141205 ₿ $142.77 $7.96
2025-01-29 21372 24 0.11% 0.00143058 ₿ $148.59 $6.95
2025-01-30 20189 67 0.33% 0.00141800 ₿ $148.88 $7.37
2025-01-31 19088 91 0.48% 0.00141893 ₿ $145.10 $7.60
2025-02-01 21577 44 0.20% 0.00141901 ₿ $143.03 $6.63
2025-02-02 22711 49 0.22% 0.00141225 ₿ $137.59 $6.06
2025-02-03 23989 56 0.23% 0.00141580 ₿ $143.86 $6.00
2025-02-04 25247 44 0.17% 0.00143221 ₿ $140.03 $5.55
2025-02-05 24258 26 0.11% 0.00140759 ₿ $135.90 $5.60
2025-02-06 22648 37 0.16% 0.00142324 ₿ $137.15 $6.06
2025-02-07 20736 34 0.16% 0.00141759 ₿ $136.75 $6.59
2025-02-08 25877 47 0.18% 0.00143263 ₿ $138.50 $5.35
2025-02-09 25559 31 0.12% 0.00141843 ₿ $136.70 $5.35
2025-02-10 19980 53 0.27% 0.00141998 ₿ $138.22 $6.92
2025-02-11 24492 34 0.14% 0.00141809 ₿ $135.90 $5.55
2025-02-12 23763 37 0.16% 0.00142929 ₿ $139.63 $5.88
2025-02-13 24208 32 0.13% 0.00141551 ₿ $136.71 $5.65
2025-02-14 16098 26 0.16% 0.00141810 ₿ $138.17 $8.58
2025-02-15 28146 35 0.12% 0.00142569 ₿ $139.11 $4.94
2025-02-16 24494 42 0.17% 0.00141766 ₿ $136.37 $5.57
2025-02-17 23931 31 0.13% 0.00141874 ₿ $135.88 $5.68
2025-02-18 25628 38 0.15% 0.00141782 ₿ $135.18 $5.27
2025-02-19 21537 27 0.13% 0.00143303 ₿ $138.54 $6.43
2025-02-20 19447 14 0.07% 0.00141075 ₿ $138.81 $7.14
2025-02-21 17133 26 0.15% 0.00142895 ₿ $137.32 $8.01
2025-02-22 21235 15 0.07% 0.00141861 ₿ $137.05 $6.45
2025-02-23 443 0 0.00% 0.00013761 ₿ $13.28 $29.97

What is guImpressions
guImpressions stands for globally unique impressions. How we calculate them is explained in the post.

What is guClicks
guClicks stands for globally unique clicks. How we calculate them is explained in the post.