Integrate CPA and Revenue sharing models.
Get our traffic for free and pay just for real results
Active publishers
Publishers earn per month
Active campaigns
Create an affiliate program with one of these paying models or use them both:
Deliver your ad to the target audience across 1000s of crypto and other industry websites
Target for all available traffic, chosen publishers’ categories, or specific websites
Pay just for real targeted traffic and useful visitors, not for fake clicks and impressions
We accept crypto and bank cards for payments. Use Lightning for fast and cost-effective transactions
Leave a request and fill out the form you get on email
Follow our integration instructions. We will support you on every step of it
Create an ad campaign and receive free traffic from our publishers, rewarding them for reached goals
Ability to stay private with no KYC requirements
Personal manager's help and recommendations
Real-time statistics and transparent goal tracking
Customer Support 24/7 via Live Chat