Cryptocurrency Guides
How To Get Paid In Cryptocurrency
What are the best work perks? Some say that flexibility and remote work from home are the most wanted perks. But one more bonus that is getting increasingly popular is the option of being paid in cryptocurrency…
10 min read
5 places to earn interest on cryptocurrency
Where to Earn Interest on Crypto If you are a long-term investor, time plays into your hands. It also means that you should consider earning interest on your digital assets and receiving passive income. Many platforms…
8 min read
How to Earn Cryptocurrency in 2024 - Top 10 Proven Methods
You are wrong if you think it is too late to earn some crypto. The truth is, there are still hundreds of options on how to do it. ‘Cuz let's be honest, everyone wants to earn some cryptocurrency. But, we all remember…
12 min read
Automatically generated passwords
Many of our users tend to reuse their passwords on multiple sites. Unfortunately, sometimes such passwords get leaked and become publicly available. There have been several incidents where hackers have managed to get…
1 min read
How to Change and Confirm a Withdrawal Address
To start, visit the “Withdrawal Options” page, this can be found by navigating to “Finances >> Withdrawal options”, it should look like the image below: Change withdrawal address Select your “withdrawal type”. Note: You…
2 min read
AADS Wordpress Plugin
Hello publishers, we’re proud to announce the release of our WordPress plugin. This article aims to show you how to use this plugin. Table of contents Installation and activation Configuration Demo Possible errors and…
3 min read
Cloudflare IP Whitelisting
If you are experiencing the “Cloudflare prevents our bot from accessing your site” error as seen in the image below. Cloudflare prevents our bot from accessing your site It means that for some security reason Cloudflare…
1 min read
Authentication via social networks
To improve the experience of our users, we have implemented authentication via social networks. Now you can sign in or sign up with Twitter, Facebook, and Google. Or you can link your social network accounts to your…
2 min read
Anonymous accounts for unregistered users
We are pleased to announce that we now have new sign-up and sign-in webpages for those using the access code, i.e., unregistered users. If you are not signed in, an anonymous (or unregistered) account is created…
2 min read
How can I see my ads published on your sites?
Unfortunately, it is not easy to locate your ad on our publishers’ sites, because the process of ad selection is probabilistic. But usually, it is still possible: Go to your "Campaign -> Traffic sources -> Exclude from…
1 min read