What are The Accepted Ad Formats?
We offer non-intrusive advertising, which'sthat is why we support only text and graphic banners embedded on sites, mobile apps, browser extensions, etc. We do not serve popunders or popups. Moreover, our ads don't contain JavaScript and don't leave cookies (until visitors click the ads).
We support graphic files in PNG, JPEG, and GIF formats. Each file must be less than 700 kB. Accepted banner sizes are: 120x60, 120x600, 125x125, 160x600, 200x200, 240x400, 250x250, 300x250, 300x600, 320x50, 320x100, 336x280, 468x60, 728x90, 970x90, 970x250.
The more banners you have, the better. The most popular sizes are 300x250, 468x60, and 728x90, so you need them first.
How to Start?
To start, please create a campaign. Most campaign settings are available on a campaign page after you create one. You can choose site categories, geo-targeting, or set other options if necessary.
How to Advertise on Crypto Sites?
If you want to advertise a crypto-related business, you might be interested in the following categories: Bitcoin, Earning online, and possibly Business and Finance. You can choose them on your "Campaign -> Traffic sources -> Selection Criteria" page. The full list of publishing websites is available in the catalog.
What are the Available Payment Models?
Our primary model is CPD (cost per day). We also work with CPA (cost per action) and Revenue Sharing models.
Is there a Minimum Daily Budget?
You can set any daily budget, that seems reasonable to you. The only limitation is technical: budgets less than 120 satoshis won’t be spent. Just mind checking the traffic estimations when you set a daily budget at “Campaign -> Payment model” page. Please note that traffic estimations might not be accurate, especially if you have a narrow targeting and low budgets.
Is there a Minimum amount to top up balance?
The minimum top up value depends on the chosen cryptocurrency and is shown in the payment popup. The general advice is to make top ups greater than 15$ in value so that they proceed correctly.
How to Move Money from a User Balance to a Campaign Balance?
You don't need to do it. A started campaign with a non-zero daily budget will be automatically funded from your user balance unless there is enough money on the campaign balance.
In most cases, funding user balance is more comfortable than funding campaign balances, because all campaigns within a user account can receive funds from a user balance without additional actions.
We hope this FAQ helps you to start. Never doubt addressing our helpdesk - we are always glad to help you.
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Content marketing for crypto projects
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